A New Career for Stuttzy

Seems that an old friend has a new career going. The Whale, our trusted correspondent and manager of Studio B, reports that our old pal Stuttzy was filmed by an ESPN camera crew fueling up at a north San Diego County Chevron. Cameras show Stutts, wearing shorts and a...

More Katrina – How a Hurricane Shocked a Nation!

After almost 7 weeks since Katrina came upon shore and shook up the Gulf States like a good margarita in a shaker glass, many people cannot comprehend why this type of disaster can happen here in the US. Well, perhaps many of the liberals who still blame GWB for the...

The Roar of Hurricane Katrina

I am not going to waste your time telling you about how awful this crisis is in the America’ Gulf region. I’ll let CNN do that for you. What I will speak about is how irresponsible the media has been in their ever-so-fashionable way of bashing FEMA and the Bush...

San Francisco Steep and Deep

Big City, Big Air! After living in SF for 15 years, I thought I had seen some crazy stuff. But last Thursday may have been the topper. The City of San Francisco, along with Olympic Ski Champion Jonny Moseley, staged a one day ski jumping exhibition on the hills of San...

Ski Areas

Several years ago, my ski partner, Greg Papa, gave me the nickname “Tomba”. And as much as I enjoy chasing women (for another time), I take great pride in my nickname. I am an accomplished skier who loves to strap on the sticks and ski! My brother Michael had a condo...